Planet Antares Vending Uses Global Positioning System
Investment in new technologies is being made by vending operators. This includes state of the art vending equipment and cashless vending among others.
Some vending operators are also investing in satellite based fleet monitoring, known as Global Positioning System. When you setup a Planet Antares vending business, you can decide to make use of any of these new technologies.
Planet Antares vending operators can obtain up to date information on driver and vehicle activity such as service stops and variations in routes with the help of GPS technology. If you are considering a GPS system for your Planet Antares vending business, you need to research providers to understand the value of such an investment.
Basically, there are two main types of GPS systems:
a. Active
b. Passive
In the active system, data transmission takes place via cellular telemetry to the main office or a website where the subscribing company can view its fleet activity in real time. Under the passive system, the data is stored for retrieval and uploaded to the main fleet computer once the vehicle returns. A two way tracking system utilizing low orbit satellites allows communication between drivers and managers.
Moreover, GPS can contribute to saving of fuel for your Planet Antares vending business by monitoring the company vehicle movement to make sure that it is not being misused. It will allow more efficient routing by allowing managers to know how fast the vehicle is moving so that no fuel is wasted on excessive speeding.
Some of the benefits for this system are:
a. Faster response time
b. Greater customer relations
c. Improved employee accountability
d. Decreased vehicle wear and tear
The initial cost of setting up GPS system is quite high. It is worth investing in for your Planet Antares vending business and one can assure the customers that their need will be met in a timely manner.
Your Planet Antares vending business will benefit greatly from this technology and if you are able to invest in it, it will benefit your business in the long run. Not only will you earn more but also save more in the long run.
Planet Antares Scam Warnings For Vending Trade
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Planet Antares Commercial Or Bulk Vending – Which Is Better?
When you are looking for the right vending machines, bulk vending machine sellers will try to convince you that their machines are the best, provide high profits and quick empty rate.
If you are serious about becoming a full time vending operator, commercial vending machines like those offered by Planet Antares Inc are the best choices.
In reality, bulk vending machines are manufactured in other countries like China for very low cost whereas their sales price is very high. Even the machines do not empty as fast as they promise to. Perhaps bulk vending machines can perform well in places like bowling alleys or shopping malls. These can be found in out of the way places unless they are operating “capsules”. Most of the commercial or industrial locations don’t like such machines as they can create a mess while being used.
Until recently, bulk vending machines used to sell very well but now you can see that after purchasing one machine, vending operators trade it for commercial vending machines after a few months. Planet Antares Corporation offers great vending machines for commercial vending.
If you have about 50-100 commercial machine like the Planet Antares vending machines, you can make a decent income from them or invest a few of them to earn extra income as part time vending machine operator. A full sized can soda and snack machine has the potential to empty out at $800 - $1000 for the pair. Just find effective locations to ensure higher sales and good revenue generation.
There are many reasons why commercial vending machines are preferred to bulk vending machines. For instance, bulk vending equipment does not provide change for dollar bills like commercial machines. This facility is offered by Planet Antares combo vending machines. Also, there are more chances of bulk vending machines getting stolen because of their light weight as compared to the heavy full size commercial vending machines having a massive weight of 500 – 800 pounds.
Looking at the advantages provided by commercial vending machines, it will be wise for you to buy Planet Antares vending machines to start off your vending business on the right foot.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Planet Antares Tips For Product Pricing
Due to price changes, vending operators are facing some challenges as vending prices are based on overall profitability. This includes:
• Taxes
• Commissions
• Cost of goods sold
• Vending machine service costs
• Overhead
As a Planet Antares vending operator, you should not be quick to raise prices of your Planet Antares vending machine products. First, you must consider the options such as removing an unprofitable vending machine, charging vending machine rentals or maybe reducing the level of service. Moreover, operators must also consider the impact of the consumer price index on the price environment and consumer confidence.
Consumers also realize that retail prices are increasing and as a result of this, they will allow increase in vending products. Planet Antares vending machine operators can provide incentives like price reduction on products that are not that popular. To prevent vending product price rise, you can cut down on commissions to vending machine customers. This is the simplest change with the least impact on vending machine consumers. In order to determine the type of concessions to offer, there has to be good communication between Planet Antares vending machine operators and vending machine account managers.
As it is, vending customers will be more willing to accept changes if they are presented with detailed information about a vending machine account.
If you want to maintain vending machine profits, you need to enhance the operational efficiency of your Planet Antares vending machine and develop good relations with their vending machine customers.
Overall, the general economy has had significant growth but the vending industry is lagging behind due to several reasons, such as:
• Work site downsizing
• Outsourcing by large enterprises
• Higher level of competition
The prices of vending machine products are not keeping up with inflation rates or the cost of wholesale prices. However, Planet Antares vending machine operators can maintain profit, if they find a new action plan that has the potential to provide greater profits.